The past 10 months, I have recorded numerous tracks and working with amazing creatives. After going through the tracks and still 5 left to record before release in April, the album will have POP, R&B, EDM, HIP-HOP, and Ballads. The album will have 3 Chicago featured artists to be announced soon.

A little about the ablum… I wanted “These Little Epiphanies” to be a full collection of personal expieriences along with amazing moments that I hope can relate to the listeners. Each track is unique in the sounds along with different producers; helping me along the way. I want to resognate each track to the listener of having that “ah ha” moment; an epiphany. I hope whether its the whole track or a line from one that really hits home to the audience. The album is so special to me because it will be all under my production company; and every song I personally wrote.

I have to give a shout out to the people along the way that have helped me with this project. Firstly, my family and friends. I wouldn’t be where I am today without their unwavering support. Secondly, the producers: Justin James, Eric Block, Rev Deville, JP Thornewell, and Justin Lebreck. I have to thank the studios that allowed me to record, especially during COVID: Rec Room Studios, Soundscape Studios, and WaySound Studios. Thirdly, I have to thank everyone who has followed me on my music journey. It has been one hell of a ride.

I am so excited for its release and cannot thank everyone enough who has believed in me and my work towards this second album.


Featured artists on album


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